Experience a Therapeutic Massage to Release Muscle Tension, De-Stress and Increase Flexibility
When was the last time you took time to focus on your health and wellness? If you’re looking to take a step back from a hectic schedule to get some much needed “me” time, then it’s time to visit Serene Mountain Massage for a relaxing and refreshing experience. Come in for therapeutic massage, deep tissue massage, migraine massage, and much more.
Expect to be greeted in a tranquil and serene atmosphere to promote optimal healing and relaxation.
Learn more about Deborah Centofanti, MS, LMT to see how she can help you get the relaxation, peace, and tranquility you need. With years of experience, she can help increase the circulation in your body and relax your muscles in a healthy, holistic way.
Yomassage is a fusion of meditation & breath work, restorative yoga postures and hands on massage therapy. The massage therapist guides you through breath work and mindfulness exercises. The restorative yoga postures are held for approximately 5 - 8 min. while the massage therapist performs manual massage on different parts of the body.
Yoga Nidra is simply translated to “the sleep of the yogi.” Yoga Nidra is a deep relaxation that’s accessible to anyone regardless of physical condition.
Yoga Nidra is a step-by-step practice of specific mindfulness techniques that cultivate the mind & body connection that leads to a state of relaxation & rejuvenation. One hour of Yoga Nidra is equal to 4 hrs of deep sleep.
Learn more about Deborah Centofanti, MS, CRC, LMT to see how she can help you get the relaxation, peace, and tranquility you need. With years of experience, she can help increase the circulation in your body and relax your muscles in a healthy, holistic way.
There are different massage modalities to help tailor your session to your specific needs and problem areas. If relaxation is what you seek, Swedish massage is right for you. If you’re an athlete sore from a recent competition, Hot Stone Therapy can get to deeper layers of the muscle without added pressure. Call to see which modality is right for you.
If you haven’t had a minute to yourself in weeks, it’s time to make it a priority to get some “me” time. Massages can help reduce stress, and since stress is just as disease-causing as bacteria and viruses, it’s important to maintain your mental health as well as your physical wellbeing.
What makes the Serene Mountain Massage experience different?
Your first visit begins with a review of your intake form and consultation with our NYS Licensed Massage Therapist to ensure the massage session is tailored to your specific needs.
You’re provided with new ideas and resources to support and guide you after your treatment session to improve quality of life and encourage you to keep up with a self care routine at home.