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Yoga Nidra

Important Update:

Live classes are currently postponed because of COVID-19 till further notice. 
In the meantime please enjoy a very special 40 min Yoga Nidra audio I recorded for you to listen to at your convenience! 


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De-stress & Give Yourself An Emotional Boost By just listening to this audio

The Sleep of the Yogi

In Yoga Nidra you are lying on a yoga mat/blanket on the floor ( or if needed seated in a chair) totally supported with bolsters, pillows and eye pillow if desired. Sessions are approximately 50 -60 min. You’re guided through steps that include a tense & relax of the muscles, awareness of contact points of the body, a breathing exercise and visualization.

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Benefits of Yoga Nidra include but not limited to:

- Improved problem solving skills
- Improved memory
- Easy to do!
- Calming
- Brings rest & relaxation
- Improved creativity
- Reduces stress
- Assist in the healing process
- Strengthens the immune system
- Improves a meditation practice
- Restores the nervous system
- Assists in the recovery of insomnia
- Especially helpful in times of high stress

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